We are all facing challenging times, with a constantly changing picture. Our advice remains the same in terms of monitoring the Government website
as this is the best and most reliable source of information relating to the UK’s current response.
It is also being reported that a large number of businesses don’t have a Business Continuity Plan (BCP) in place. Of course, I’m sure this has on everyone’s “to do” list for ever but slips down as other priorities arise. Now is when such a plan is needed and it may still not be too late to put it together so that you have some structured thought around how you will deal with the Coronavirus and its impact on your business.
Also, Andy Favell https://enlightenhr.com/our-consultants/andy-favell-associate/) who is part of the enlightenHR team, is on hand to provide help and advice on Business Continuity should you wish to avail yourself of his considerable skills. Your enlightenHR retainer covers advice relating to HR; if this addition resource is of interest please drop Andy (andy@enlightenhr.com) an email and he will be happy to discuss what support he could provide and any associated costs.