The Devon Women in Business Awards 2022 took place on 4th March 2022 and we’re delighted to say that Alison and enlightenHR came home with two of the coveted awards. The awards (#dwibawards) celebrate the region’s businesswomen and female leaders, singling them out for success in both business but also community activities.
We were particularly pleased to win in both areas, with awards for:
Contribution to the Community – For a female run or led business based in Devon who are going above and beyond core business to make a positive impact on the community in terms of social, charitable or environmental impact.
Best Small Business (up to 10 employees) – For a female led business based in Devon, employing between two and ten people, that can demonstrate business growth & success, effective marketing strategy, customer satisfaction and a clear plan for the future.
Devon Women in Business is a networking group for Devon-based female business owners and leaders. The awards ceremony on 4th March was hosted by Louise Jenner, also known as the Dream Job Coach.
enlightenHR’s Alison Benney said: “I’m thrilled to have received these awards. First, the Best Small Business award – which is really a testament to all of the members of the enlightenHR team. We have an amazing group of HR professionals and this is for them – recognising their skill, expertise, experience and, above all, commitment to supporting enlightenHR’s clients.
“But the Contribution to the Community award is close to my heart personally, because it recognises my personal commitment – as a business leader – to making a difference in the Devon area. I’ve been proud to support a wide range of initiatives including Torbay Business Forum, Torbay Scout Group, Rowcroft Hospice, Guide Dogs for the Blind and Torbay Lifeboats as well as taking the lead on organising the Torbay Business Festival and helping to organise the Torbay Weekly awards dinner. For me, part of being a business leader is leading by example, and that means giving back to the community in which I work.”
enlightenHR consultant, Pam Tilling, said: “There is no more deserving winner than Alison. Alison leads by example and, as a result, is an inspiration to clients and colleagues alike. For example, during the pandemic it would have been easy for her to focus only on her business yet she increased her charity and community work, once again leading by example and inspiring her all. We’re all thrilled to have seen Alison and our work at enlightenHR recognised by Devon Women in Business.”
Other winners at the Devon Women in Business Awards include:
- Best Sole Trader – Alex Martin, The 1 to 1 Diet
- Best Start Up – Sid and Tumble
- Customer Service Excellence – Georgina’s Eco Cleaning Team Ltd
- Employer of the Year – Georgina’s Eco Cleaning Team
- Inspirational Leader – Lynn Stephens, South Devon College
Image: enlightenHR’’s Alison Benney celebrating winning the awards for Contribution to the Community and Best Small Business at the Devon Women in Business awards – #dwibawards @dwibawards – Poppy Jakes Photography