Employers have been hit with a timely reminder that they need to make sure they’re taking all possible steps to prevent workplace discrimination. After a recent consultation, the President of the Employment Tribunals has announced that, in the event that they suffer from workplace discrimination, employees can now receive higher compensation for ‘injury to feelings.’
So, what’s it all about?
Compensation for ‘injury to feelings’ is split into four categories – known as Vento Bands – and these vary depending on the discrimination’s severity. From 11 September 2017, the increased Vento bands will be:
- £800 to £8,400 for less serious cases;
- £8,400 to £25,200 for serious cases; and
- £25,200 to £42,000 for the most serious cases.
As well as this, the Employment Tribunal can award over £42,000 in exceptional cases, but it’s still unclear as to how it defines this. Most important, however, is that compensation under this category could be unlimited.
Stick and stones may break your bones, but, in this case, words can definitely hurt. Employers need to stay up to date with their equal opportunities and anti-bullying and harassment policies – as well as implementing regular diversity training – if they’re going to avoid costly discrimination cases.
For more information or help with any Employment Tribunal matters please contact Alison.