Hot on the heels of our double win at The Devon Women in Business Awards 2022 (Contribution to the Community and Best Small Business (up to 10 employees) we’re delighted to announce our sponsorship of the Inspirational Leader award. The awards (#dwibawards) celebrate the region’s businesswomen and female leaders, singling them out for success in both business but also community activities.
Devon Women in Business is a networking group for Devon-based female business owners and leaders.
enlightenHR’s Alison Benney said: “I was thrilled to receive these awards. First, the Best Small Business award – which is really a testament to all of the members of the enlightenHR team. We have an amazing group of HR professionals and this was for them – recognising their skill, expertise, experience and, above all, commitment to supporting enlightenHR’s clients.
“But the Contribution to the Community award win was close to my heart personally, because it recognised my personal commitment – as a business leader – to making a difference in the Devon area. I’ve been proud to support a wide range of initiatives including Torbay Business Forum, Torbay Scout Group, Rowcroft Hospice, Guide Dogs for the Blind and Torbay Lifeboats as well as taking the lead on organising the Torbay Business Festival and helping to organise the Torbay Weekly awards dinner. For me, part of being a business leader is leading by example, and that means giving back to the community in which I work.
“For this reason I didn’t have to think twice when The Devon Women in Business Awards 2023 team approached me for sponsorship this year. I think it’s vital that local businesses support each other and I’m proud to play my part in shining a light on the many amazing organisations we have across Devon, run by inspirational women. I’m delighted to sponsor this category and look forward to celebrating with those shortlisted on the night.”

Image: enlightenHR’’s Alison Benney celebrating winning the awards for Contribution to the Community and Best Small Business at the Devon Women in Business awards – #dwibawards @dwibawards – Poppy Jakes Photography