The Taylor Review of Modern Working Practices (‘the Taylor Review’), made detailed recommendations for the reform of UK employment law. The Government responded with the ‘Good Work’ plan, setting out its plans on implementing the Taylor Review proposals.
Now the Government has published a further consultation, the Good Work Plan: Consultation on measures to address one-sided flexibility (available here). This proposes new rights for workers to receive reasonable notice of their working hours and to be compensated for shifts that get cancelled or curtailed without reasonable notice.
A range of views are sought in the consultation, including on whether new rights should take effect from day-one, what constitutes reasonable notice, appropriate levels of compensation, and whether rights should vary depending on the work in question.
The consultation also notes the Government’s existing commitment to adopt the Low Pay Commission’s recommendation that workers should have a right to switch to a contract that reflects their normal working hours, with limited grounds for an employer to refuse.
The consultation closes on 11 October 2019.
Have a question? Contact Alison via email for more information.